Tutoring with Lightening as a Catch-up Program

Discovery Primary Academy Uses Tutoring with Lightening as an Early Literacy Intervention

Discovery Primary Academy uses TWL as a reading intervention for pupils who need extra support with their reading. The program also supports pupils to close gaps in their reading enabling them to reach the end of year reading expectations. As an intervention the data analysed by Fisher Family Trust demonstrates that pupils do make accelerated progress, that it supports sustained ‘catch up’ for children in years 1–4 and is a solid ‘restart’ for some very low - attaining children in years 5 and 6.

TWL Supports Progress in Decoding

Most children doing 30 minutes of daily tutoring because they are behind, are going at a faster pace (83% faster or nearly double) through the phonetic and word difficulty sequence than a younger child would be going if they only received class teaching.

 TWL Supports Progress in Words Read Correctly in a Minute

Most children are making more than three times the rate of improvement in Word Count Per Minute. Fluency is an extremely important skill in reading as children in each year group need to be able to read an expected number of words fluently in a minute by the end of their year or Key Stage.

The data and analysis behind TWL lead to the conclusion that TWL does provide accelerated progress in decoding and particularly in fluency. This is also likely considering that most structured, daily reading interventions that take place in addition to core lessons will have a positive impact on pupil progress.