Spiritual Cultural and Moral Education

We teach Spiritual Cultural and Moral education throughout our curriculum and general academy life. Please read the following information to give you additional information on how we do this.


Situated as we are in the heart of a diverse city, all of the world’s major religions are reflected in our children’s beliefs. To ensure our students have a broad understanding of different faiths beyond their own, we follow the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education’s scheme of work for Cambridgeshire. This means that by the time they leave us, children understand the key concepts underpinning the world’s major religions, and the similarities that often unite them. To ensure our diversity is celebrated, our children visit a range of different religious settings across the city during their time with us, including Peterborough Cathedral, the Sikh Gurdwara and the Mosque.


As the children progress through school, they encounter a range of moral issues within our curriculum, from climate change and fair trade in Geography, to slavery and civil rights in history. We believe that people of all faiths and none can have high moral standards and we actively develop these in our children by providing them the opportunity to reflect on complex moral issues affecting our world today. We aim to build their character by embedding the idea that sometimes, personal sacrifice is necessary for the greater good. Our extra-curricular provision, including active fundraising for both local, National and international charities, also provide the children an opportunity to reflect on the world around them, and work to make a positive contribution to improve it. Our weekly whole-school and daily in-class assemblies, also introduce the children to a wide range of moral issues, and important figures.


At Discovery, we acknowledge that our many of our children begin their journey with us with a language deficit. We work hard to develop our student’s ability to communicate using cooperative learning strategies alongside oracy and vocabulary work. We do this as we believe adults who are successful socially, are those who can communicate effectively. Alongside this, our PSHE and wider curriculum, provide children with opportunities to develop their social awareness and social skills. Our social education is reflected in our values: determination, confidence, aspiration, kindness and responsibility which are values we work hard to embed in our children, so that they can be valuable and productive members of society.


At Discovery Primary Academy, we have a diverse student body representing a broad range of cultural backgrounds. As an academy, we celebrate our rich diversities and different heritages, whilst simultaneously developing our students’ awareness of British culture. We do this by ensuring that British history and British values are embedded within our curriculum.