We aim to give your child the very best education possible. To do this, it is essential that your child attends school every day, on time. Their years at Discovery Primary Academy are the most important time for your child.
The Department for Education states that it is the responsibility of parents to:
(a) Ensure that their children arrive at school on time, properly attired and in a condition to learn.
(b) Instil in their children a respect for education - and for those who deliver it.
(c) Impress upon their children the need to observe the school’s code of conduct and reinforce this through discipline in the home.
(d) Inform schools of the reason for a child’s absence as soon as possible and to provide further information as required.
Attendance at school is compulsory. A record of unauthorised absences has to be entered on the child’s Annual Report. Children should normally be absent only in case of illness. If your child is sick, they should be kept at home for the day to prevent spreading infection. If a child has a stomach bug, we request that the child remains at home until 48 hours after the last symptoms – sickness or diarrhoea.
If a child will be absent during Term Time, a Leave of Absence Request Form should be completed and handed in to the Academy Office. These requests should be avoided whenever possible, as absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
What you need to do and what the school will do if your child is absent:
Contact the Academy on 01733 325001 as early as possible - and before 8:50am - with the reason for absence. You are able to leave a message on the pupil absence line if no-one is available to take the call.
If your child’s absence becomes a concern, you will be informed of this in writing. If your child’s absence falls below an acceptable standard, you will be invited to a meeting with the Senior Attendance Champion. Following Local Authority policy, parents of persistently absent children may receive a Penality Notice Fine (please see the PCC document below for further details). Failure to engage with correspondence and support from the Academy may also result in a visit from the Local Authority Attendance Officer.
Please be aware that 8.40am is the strict start of the school day. The Academy gates open at 8:30am and doors are open from 8.30am - 8.40am to allow children to prepare for learning. Late arrival after the register closes may result in an unauthorised absence mark for the morning session. This will be counted towards children's attendance figures.
Are you worried about your child?
If you feel that your child has any worries about school, then please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher on Class Dojo or, if you prefer, please message the year group Phase Leaders. Senior staff are also happy to help.