Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is funding paid to the Academy by means of a specific grant based on the following:

● School census figures for pupils registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) in the last six years.

● The number of children who have been or are still in local authority care.

The Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and will be used by Discovery Primary Academy to address any underlying inequalities and ‘narrow the gap’ in academic attainment for eligible pupils.

Pupil Premium is also separate to the Sports Premium which is money spent to develop the health and well-being of all children.

Pupil Premium money is not to be used to support individual children but to benefit the learning of all children who attend Discovery Primary Academy. However, the Academy is accountable for the attainment and progress of Pupil Premium identified children in respect to the Pupil Premium Funding received and must therefore be able to justify the spending of Pupil Premium funds.


Please see documents below.